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Change is easier to execute and sustain if everyone in the company understands the organisational culture and supports its renewed direction.
This course helps participants gain a true and precise understanding of workplace culture and human behaviour. Academic research, insight from the experience of organisational psychologists, business process specialists, change management practitioners and industry sector experts are utilised.
This course works with business professionals to renew their understanding of leadership, and support them in improving their performance and encouraging change.
Is it right for me?

This course is beneficial to anyone wanting to gain a better understanding of organizational change management concepts, strategies and methodologies. If you are directly affected by the challenges your company face with regards to adapting and changing the business model to suit the current economical climate and customer demand. You have been tasked to plan a change initiative within your organisation but need ideas on what it's important to think about so that you can increase the chances of the initiative being successful. This is for anyone wanting to improve their personal effectiveness within an organizational change management program or gain knowledge allowing improvements in their business knowhow.

What will I learn?
Elements that create culture and organisational behaviour.
Examples of the impact of culture on individual and group behaviour.
How culture is communicated & Relationship of business strategy and the business culture.
Definition and examples of a people process and organization cultures.
Comparing core values and beliefs of different organizations.
Aligning reward systems with the desired culture.
Organization culture’s impact on critical thinking and diversity.
Personal values and their impact on leadership and organization culture.
What is Change Management? Demystifying concepts and theories, and introducing the Change Management roadmap.
The catalyst for change.
Stakeholder Management.
The Change Elements - Impacts. Different types of change and the impacts on your organisational system: Culture; Technology; Policy & Process; Organisational Structure & Roles.
The Change Elements - Enablers. Examining the mechanisms that can be utilised to enable change, and how to apply them effectively: Leadership; Training & Education; Communication; Performance Management


The workshop is coupled with group and individual feedback, challenging exercises and practical strategy tools that are ready to run in the workplace on your return.




Each participant will receive handouts

The fee for participation in the Open Program is € 680 (excluding VAT)

The program can be conducted as In House Training for a particular company, in which case it will be taken into account the specific activity of such company. The Training will be custom tailored to the specific needs of the client, stressing issues and topics from the content that represent a particular interest.

The In House Training corresponds with the time conveniences of each company.

The fee for the In House Training is negotiable.




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