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EU Projects



The European Management Centre is pleased to be partner in a new project under the Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation, funded by the European Commission. This project started in September 2009 and is called LQW - EU (Länderübergreifendes Qualitätsmanagement in der Weiterbildung im Europischen Kontext) and refers to the elaboration of a system for assessing quality in continuing and vocational training for adults with low skills. The project has a duration of two years. The LQW system is the leading model for assessing the quality of continuing training in Germany. Other partner organizations are Marktplan (Poland), ArtSet Qualitätstestierung GmbH (Germany) and the Kaunas University in Lithuania. The project relies on the successful innovative model for Germany: "system of quality assessment of further education" (LQW).
As a result, a country-specific partner model will be developed according to the LQW-system. It includes a set of support materials and assessment tools that can be adapted and used by the Bulgarian, Lithuanian and Polish project partners. The Organizations will be allocated an adequate partner for implementing the LQW-system by providing an appropriate license from the German partner. Based on this specific innovative European practice it will receive its application in other countries than Germany and Austria.
Gallery: Photos
The EMC has agreed to be partner in a new project within the Partnership program "Leonardo da Vinci"; the project is called ,,The Business Support Professional Career Pathway Partnership", No: 2009-1-GB2-LEO04-01418.
The partnership takes place between 8 organizations: Business Enterprise Support Limited - BES (UK), Birmingham City University (UK), Syntra West (Belgium), Naeringsetaten City Oslo / Agency for business Development (Norway), Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije - Centar za poslovno usposabljanje (gzs cpu) Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia, Retail Business Confederation of Andalucia (Spain) and European Management Centre (Bulgaria).
The project activities will take place within two years - from September 2009 to August 2011.
The partnership aims are to implement mobility through exchange of experiences and best practices. There will be feasibility evaluations and development of a career path for professional development experts, consultants and trainers; It means people working in business support in the delivery of services and vocational training for corporate clients. This system will improve performance, understanding, transparency and recognition of the qualifications and competencies and will be implemented at European level.
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WPO-Trainer: It is a Training - Train-the-trainer - in the construction industry within the European program "Lifelong Learning", a subprogram of "Leonardo da Vinci, innovation, Nr D/06/B/F/PP 146,511.
Many of the trainers in the construction industry have good knowledge about construction, but no teaching skills. Aim of this project is to develop a curriculum for trainers (Train The Trainer), which is workflow-oriented designed for lecturers, trainers, managers, experts in national and regional professional organizations, chambers of crafts and institutions for adult education.
Website: www.wpo-trainer.net
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B.L.I.N.D. C.A. - "Blended Learning for Innovative Implementation in Networks for people with eye Defects as CallCenter Agents" – a program within the European program "Lifelong Learning", a subprogram of "Leonardo da Vinci Innovation" Nr: PL/06/B/F/PP-174015-P5.
There are only a few employment opportunities for blind and visually impaired people. The aim of this project is to develop a curriculum and program for the profession of call-center agents, tailored to that specific target group. The learning approch is a very innovative one: In this program a special Internet platform is used.
Website: www.blindca.eu
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SME TraiNet – Stakeholder network in the field of vocational training and guidance for the sustainable corporate development of young businesses and SMEs, European "Lifelong Learning", subprogram "Leonardo da Vinci, innovation networks, Nr: 142,786-LLP - 1-2008-1-AT-LEONARDO-LNW.
The project aims are to promote a dialogue between "young" small and medium businesses and organizations providing various trainings. Very important is the combination of supply - certain types of training - and demand - marketing of educational services -, which will improve survival opportunities of the trainings in a highly competitive environment. Project partners are: Austria-WIFI International Know-how Transfer (WIFI-IKT)-Federal Economic Chamber, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Finland and Poland.
The project promoter and coordinator is WIFI-IKT (Institute for Economic Promotion at the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber / International Know-How Transfer).
Furthermore, the project partnership consists of VET and guidance providers for SMEs, such as vocational training institutions, chambers of commerce and crafts and universities, on the one hand, and of SME associations and trade unions on the other hand.
The 13 partners participating in the project are:
- Consortium Employment and Environment
- International Centre for Promotion of Enterprises
- Edupoli
- European Management Centre
- The Centre for Development Programs EMI-ECO
- Hamburg Chamber of Skilled Crafts
- Polish Craft Association
- Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Izmir EU Business Centre Training and Consultancy Corp.
- Lahti University of Applied Sciences
- Ami-Foundation, Amiedu
- Trade Union of Adult Educators in Finland

Danube Networkers – project within the European program "Lifelong Learning", Grundtvig, partnerships Nr: LLP-2008-GRU-LP-08.
The project aims to create a multicultural network of elderly people from countries along the Danube by organizing various events in the way of the European idea. The main idea of the partnership is to support the integration and active participation in civil society and the unification of the EU countries.
Website: www.danube-networkers.eu
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PROMETHEUS – European ERASMUS program for young entrepreneurs, pilot project Nr: L1-11-2008.
The program aims are to promote entrepreneurship, competitiveness, growth and internationalization of new and already based / up to 3 years / small and medium enterprises through the exchange of know-how, experience and good practice between experienced and young entrepreneurs. Start-up entrepreneurs from Europe will have the opportunity to work, within six months, together with experienced entrepreneurs in their businesses in selected European country, learning how to manage and develop their own business.
Website: www.erasmus-entrepreneurs.eu

Qualification and training of staff Raicommerce Construction PLC, Project № ESF-2102-01-04001.
The project is part of the Operational Program "Human Resources" and aims to improve vocational training and key competencies of workers in the company by conducting appropriate training. It is both part of the company's strategy for continuing professional and personal development of employees and of the plan for the development of the company. The program tenders 11 different training courses for training and retraining of 360 employees. As a result of the project increased work efficiency and improved competitiveness of firms in the European market are expected.
Website: www.raicommerce.bg
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EU-Praxi.net – International Network for the exchange of information on vocational training.
The activities of this network afford awareness, consultation and support to small and medium enterprises through the transfer of know-how, development of innovative products, cooperation and partnerships at the local level and exchange of experiences and best practices.
Website: www.eu-praxi.net
Gallery: Photos

Building a regional network for CSR competencies
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) launched a regional project, through which it is possible to create local centers of Development Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Central and Eastern Europe.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy supported the nomination of European Management Centre as a local center for Bulgaria.
The newly established CSR standards (ISO 26000) caused many small, medium and large businesses to create and be actively involved in local and national social and environmental projects.
The project focuses on sustainable and continuous improvement of the socio-economic conditions and measures for environmental protection by supporting small and medium enterprises and business associations in accomplishing their activities in a responsible manner.
Based on long-term considerations the project aims to increase competitiveness and market access for SMEs from the countries of South, Central and Eastern Europe by reducing costs, bonding business partner contacts for a better understanding of consumers' needs, improve productivity, quality and relationships with investors.
The project focuses on sustainable and continuous improvement of the socio-economic conditions and measures for environmental protection by supporting small and medium enterprises and business associations in accomplishing their activities in a responsible manner.
Based on long-term considerations the project aims to increase competitiveness and market access for SMEs from the countries of South, Central and Eastern Europe by reducing costs, bonding business partner contacts for a better understanding of consumers' needs, improve productivity, quality and relationships with investors.