23/01/2024Contact seminar for Logistics in Vienna
22/01/20242nd workshop in Bruges, Belgium:
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European Management Centre offers its clients from different industries, programs Study visits – business trips in order to exchange knowledge and experience, training and presentation of effective European practices. The programs allow for establishing contacts between companies and the creation of partnerships, visits to economic forums, congresses, trade fairs, etc..
You can learn firsthand how to develop tourism, logistics, construction sector in Europe, to enrich their knowledge, to exchange ideas and best practices to apply in their business. Support your knowledge, share experience and practice with managers from another EU countries. Visits are designed to address the additional managerial skills in various areas of the economy.
The Conferences are aimed at those who wish to update themselves with news and views of recent developments, understand how other groups are applying the technology and exchange ideas with leading international experts in the field. Our goal, as always, is for our annual conferences to be a meeting place for the international knowledge based systems community. The Conferences, Workshops are designed to provide a wide range of options for delegates, whether they are newcomers to the technology or seasoned practitioners. The social programme provides an opportunity to relax, meet old friends and make new contacts.
• EMC-days workshops in Austria, new opportunities to improve competitiveness in All Sectors in Industry. "The main objective is to enable representatives of the Bulgarian and Austrian companies - transport, logistics , tourism, industrial, commercial, to contact each other, share experiences, establish new partnerships, to initiate new activities and ideas to help them enhance their competitiveness in the European common market. The seminar was presented Austrian Associations which belong to more than 800 large companies from different Economy branches. The participants visited the companies with wanted achievements and receive advanced solutions to the entire processes, from productions to products delivery to the end user. These contacts have helped to enrich professional knowledge.
• EMC organized programs - Study Visits: "Effective management; Success factors. Best practices in Austria. The visits are implemented in cooperation with Ecoplus - Business Agency of Lower Austria. The programs are focused on management in the tourism and hospitality, as a strategic sector for development of both countries. Were chosen topics related to the management of tourist destinations, sales and marketing, management of relationships with employees and customers, optimize operations in the hotel. Representatives of top and middle management in tourism, management of travel services, hotels, restaurants, spa,s, Wellness. The purpose is Bulgarian managers to learn about successful operational models and service management. So we can compare the conditions and methods by which they work with those of their Austrian colleagues and plan our next steps for building customer confidence.
The programs allow participants, to acquire funds from European Projects