
25-26 Mar 2023: 1st module of a training project concerning the median management level of Dunapack Rodina AD was held

25-26 March 2023
The first module of the training project was accomplished�within the medial management level�of the company�"Dunapack Rodina AD"at the�Bulgaria Academy of Management. This project is implemented jointly with partners of�Mobi2.�The enforced�management program is part of the company strategy to improve qualifications and�continuation of the company's investment�policy�and its development. Among the trainees were those people who are responsible for the increasingly rapid and successful development of the company in recent years. But what exactly�is the key to success and why have so many players given positive feedback?

When usually talking about key skills like�teamwork skills�or many other things related to managing an organization, it seems, that�some colleagues�arrange this kind of training emphasizing rather dry theory. The most important�thing is somehow forgotten: the individuality of the employees and the need to understand themselves. How could somebody improve�his performance or changes his�way of communicating with others, if�he or she�don't know where�he/her�"stands" and what it needs to change to achieve the desired results?




EU Projects




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