
Training of a sales team of the Company SAM BS - importer of Royal Canin for Bulgaria

The first cycle of the training for the SAM BS was entitled "Effective communication�and sales�with customers" which was�led by Mr.�Nayden Nikolov. The training�was a mix of practical and theoretical parts, also�interaction of the participants�in the sessions was given. Traders were free to define the basic elements and rules of persuasive communication. The work was�handled�in different�teams and so everyone had the opportunity to participate actively. The main objective was to develop specific characteristics, which form�a�very good�trader, so the participants can increase their confidence and effectiveness in sales.

Time�was spend�for something that is increasingly important: business etiquette. Compliance or violation of these principle�can lead�either to success�or to destruction of relationships in a business organization with undesirable conflicts.

Each team of SAM BS was able to take useful and practical tools for its activities�in economic life.




EU Projects




Quality Certificate